Ehemalige Mitarbeiter

Dr. Werner Osterkamp

Academic Staff

Dr. Werner Osterkamp

LH 001
+49 203 37-93606
Consultation Hour:
by Arrangement
Lehrstuhl für Finance
Mercator School of Management
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Lotharstraße 65, Gebäude LH, Raum 001
47057 Duisburg

Curriculum Vitae:

Since 06/2016  Research Associate, Department of Finance


Werner Osterkamp is the contact person for the DFG-Project Agency Probleme in Securtizations.


Simple is Simply not Enough – Features versus Labels of Complex Financial Securities (zusammen mit M. Hibbeln und Fabian Rendchen). Working Paper. Available at SSRN.

Presented/Accepted for presentation: Western Economic Association International (WEAI) Virtual Conference, 2021; 60th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Finance Association (SWFA), Galveston; Research Seminar 2020, University of Konstanz; Banking Research Workshop 2020, Münster; Research Seminar 2020, Kühne Logistics University; Brownbag Seminar in Economics, Mercator School of Management 2020, Duisburg; International Doctoral Congress (IDOC) 2020, Duisburg.

The Impact of Skin in the Game on Bank Behavior in the Securitization Market (zusammen mit M. Hibbeln). Working Paper. Available at SSRN.

Presented/Accepted for presentation: Financial Management Association (FMA) Europe 2021, Cyprus; International Banking, Economics, and Finance Association (IBEFA) Summer Meeting 2020, Denver; Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Finance Association (SWFA) 2020, San Antonio; 7th Bordeaux Workshop in International Economics and Finance “Banking Regulation, Risk and Governance” der Association Française de Science Economique (AFSE) 2019, Bordeaux; “Financial System of the Future” der Federal Reserve Bank, Atlanta 2019; Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Finanzwirtschaft (DGF) 2019, Essen; Doctoral Brownbag Seminar in Economics, Mercator School of Management 2019, Duisburg; Research Seminar 2019, University of St. Gallen; Research Seminar 2019, University of Tübingen; Belk-Kingston-Mercator Doctoral Workshop 2018, London.

The Impact of Risk Retention on the Pricing of Securitization (zusammen mit M. Hibbeln). Working Paper. Available at SSRN.

Presented/Accepted for presentation: International Banking, Economics, and Finance Association (IBEFA) Summer Meeting 2020, Denver; Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Finance Association (SWFA) 2020 (Best Paper Award), San Antonio; Doctoral Brownbag Seminar in Economics, Mercator School of Management, 2018, Duisburg; Belk-Kingston-Mercator Doctoral Workshop 2018, London.

Fields of Research:

Research Interests

  • Financial Markets
  • Securitizations
  • Corporate Finance
  • Credit Risk Management


  • Corporate Finance (Lecture)
  • Corporate Finance (Exercise Session)
  • Seminar "Finance"