Publications of Prof. Dr. Martin Hibbeln
I. Monographs
- Risk Assessment and Risk Transfer in Financial Institutions, cumulative Habilitation Thesis, TU Braunschweig 2014. Heinrich-Büssing-Preis 2015.
- Risk Management in Credit Portfolios – Concentration Risk and Basel II, Contributions to Economics, Springer, Heidelberg 2010. fme-Förderpreis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2010.
II. Peer-Reviewed Publications in Journals
- Simple is Simply not Enough – Features versus Labels of Complex Financial Securities (mit W. Osterkamp). Review of Derivatives Research, Vol. 27, 2024, pp. 113–150 (VHB: A).
- The Impact of Risk Retention on Moral Hazard in the Securitization Market (mit W. Osterkamp). Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol. 163, 2024, Article 107153 (VHB: A).
- Trading and Liquidity in the Catastrophe Bond Market (with M. Herrmann), Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 90, 2023, pp. 283–328 (VHB: A). SRIA Best Paper Award 2020.
- The Path of the Righteous: Using Trace Data to Understand Fraud Decisions in Real Time (with J. Jenkins, C. Schneider, J. Valacich and M. Weinmann), MIS Quarterly, Vol. 46, 2022, pp. 2317–2336 (VHB: A+).
- Seasonality in Catastrophe Bonds and Market-Implied Catastrophe Arrival Frequencies (with M. Herrmann), Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 88, 2021, pp. 785–818 (VHB: A).
- Arising from the Ruins: The Impact of Natural Disasters on Reconstruction Labor Wages (with D. Döhrmann, M. Gürtler and R. Metzler), International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 59, 2021, Article 102210 (JIF: 4.84).
- Informational Synergies in Consumer Credit (with L. Norden, P. Usselmann and M. Gürtler), Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol. 44, 2020, Article 100831 (VHB: A). MFA Outstanding Paper Award in Financial Institutions.
- Exposure at Default Modeling - A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment of Estimation Approaches and Parameter Choice (with M. Gürtler and P. Usselmann), Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol. 91, 2018, pp. 176–188 (VHB: A).
- Insured Loss Inflation - How Natural Catastrophes Affect Reconstruction Costs (with D. Döhrmann and M. Gürtler), Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 84, 2017, pp. 851-879 (VHB: A).
- How is your user feeling? Inferring Emotion through Human-Computer Interaction Devices (with J. Jenkins, C. Schneider, J. Valacich and M. Weinmann), MIS Quarterly, Vol. 41, 2017, pp. 1-21 (VHB: A+). McKinsey Business Technology Award 2012, Liechtenstein Research Prize 2016, VHB Best German Information-Systems Paper 2018, CIONET European Research Paper of the Year 2018.
- The Impact of the Financial Crisis and Natural Catastrophes on CAT Bonds (with M. Gürtler and C. Winkelvos), Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 83, 2016, pp. 579-612 (VHB: A).
- Markowitz versus Michaud: Portfolio Optimization Strategies Reconsidered (with F. Becker and M. Gürtler), European Journal of Finance, Vol. 21, 2015, pp. 269-291 (VHB: B).
- Improvements in Loss Given Default Forecasts for Bank Loans (with M. Gürtler), Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol. 37, 2013, pp. 2354-2366 (VHB: A).
- Measuring Concentration Risk for Regulatory Purposes (with M. Gürtler and C. Vöhringer), Journal of Risk, Vol. 12, 2010, pp. 69-104 (VHB: B).
- Unternehmensplanung in Venture Capital-Gesellschaften: Stochastische Modellierung und Simulation (with K. Viemann), Business Administration Review - Die Betriebswirtschaft, 69. Jg., 2009, pp. 7-30 (VHB: C).
- Concentration Risk under Pillar 2: When are Credit Portfolios Infinitely Fine Grained? (with M. Gürtler and D. Heithecker), Credit and Capital Markets - Kredit und Kapital, 41. Jg., 2008, pp. 79-124 (VHB: C).
- Inflationsindexierte Anleihen (with F. Feilke and M. Gürtler), Business Administration Review - Die Betriebswirtschaft, 67. Jg., 2007, pp. 609-613 (VHB: C).
- Anreizsysteme als Instrument des Beteiligungscontrolling in Venture-Capital-Gesellschaften (with K. Viemann), Journal of Management Control - Zeitschrift für Planung & Unternehmenssteuerung, 17. Jg., 2006, pp. 301-322 (VHB: C).
III. Peer-Reviewed Publications in Proceedings
- Investigating the Effect of Insurance Fraud on Mouse Usage in Human-Computer Interactions (with J. Jenkins, C. Schneider, J. Valacich and M. Weinmann), Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2014), Auckland, Neuseeland (VHB: A).
- An Econometric Analysis of the Demand Surge Effect (with D. Döhrmann and M. Gürtler), German Journal of Risk and Insurance - Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft, Vol. 102, 2013, pp. 537-553 (VHB: C).
- Customer-oriented Configuration Systems: One Type Fits All? (with M. Weinmann and S. Robra-Bissantz), Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2011), Helsinki, Finnland, 2011 (VHB: B).
- Optimizing Credit Risk Mitigation Effects of Collaterals under Basel II (with M. Gürtler and D. Heithecker), Operations Research Proceedings 2006: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Springer, Berlin usw. 2007, pp. 293-298 (VHB: D).
IV. Working Paper
- Common Risk Factors in the Cross Section of Catastrophe Bond Returns (with A. Braun and M. Hibbeln). Presentation at ARIA 2021.
- Not on the Same Page - (Text-)Complexity in European Securitizations (with R. Metzler and W. Osterkamp). Presentation at CFC 2022, Banken-Forschungsworkshop 2022.
- Credit Risk Modelling in the Age of Machine Learning (with R. Kopp and N. Urban). Presentation at Banken-Forschungsworkshop 2021, IRMC 2021, FIFB 2021, VSBF 2021, CFE 2021, SWFA 2022, VHB 2022, EFT 2022, DGF 2022.
- The Impact of Risk Retention on the Pricing of Securitizations (with W. Osterkamp). Presentation at SWFA 2020 (Best Paper Award), IBEFA/WEAI 2020.
V. Contributions to Books
- Design of Collateralized Debt Obligations: The Impact of Target Ratings on the First Loss Piece (with M. Gürtler and S. Olboeter), in: G. N. Gregoriou, P. Ali (Hrsg.), The Credit Derivatives Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York 2008, S. 203-228.
- Beiträge "Archangel", "Event Driven", "Long Short Equity" und "Market Neutral", in: G. N. Gregoriou (Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of Alternative Investments, CRC, Routledge Francis 2008.
VI. Other Publications in Journals
- Finanzierungsentscheidungen nach der Unternehmensteuerreform 2008 (with M. Gürtler and C. Vöhringer), WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 38. Jg., 2009, p. 232-238.
- Optimierung unter Basel II: Allokation von Kreditsicherheiten im Standardansatz (with M. Gürtler and D. Heithecker), OR News, o. Jg., November, 2006, p. 10-14.
- Einsatz inflationsindexierter Anleihen im Asset-Liability-Management (with F. Feilke and M. Gürtler), Corporate Finance - Finanz Betrieb, 8. Jg., 2006, p. 653-659.